Friday, July 10, 2009

.5. I Survived

I survived my first day of LPN school! Hooray! Looks like a pretty decent group of people (mostly) and I LOVE my teachers. They totally rock! (I just know!) Did not really do a whole lot today, mainly it was like orientation. We did play the name game with a ball of yarn and that was kinda crazy fun. You had this ball of yarn that was tossed from person to person across the room and you had to say your name and something that rhymed with it. I was Smashley Ashley. The catch was when you caught the ball, you had to follow the yarn from person to person and say what their name and rhyme was before you could say yours, then you tossed the ball to the next person. Kind of like that game Grandma's Suitcase.

Got home from school and Anna immediately attacked me! I missed her today! We played Wii bowling, as seen below:

Getting ready!

Showing me how she winds up her arm.

And finally telling me "Okay, that's enough pictures now." (I love her big brown eyes in this pic!)

That was pretty much my day today. I've got some homework to do (memorizing medical terminology and reading) so have a great weekend!

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