Thursday, July 30, 2009

.12. Books and binders and suitcases OH MY!

Good grief, when I walked into class this morning, my eyes about popped out! There were stacks of new textbooks EVERYWHERE! We got 7 new textbooks this morning. YES, I said 7. And these were to go along with the other 5 thick, heavy textbooks that we already have plus lots of little looseleaf workbook thingys. I'm already using a rolling backpack to carry all of my loot, I just now upgraded to my Roxy suitcase. You know it's bad when you have to use a suitcase to carry all of your books to school. Let's just say I'd rather take a suitcase than break my back though. Oh well, I guess know that it will be worth it in the end!!! Only 10 months to go!

Here's a pic of all of my books, workbooks, and binders stacked up:

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