Monday, July 6, 2009

.2. 4th of July

So to kick of my first official post on my blog, I thought I'd write about my 4th of July. Anna and I kicked off the day by going to the parade!

Isn't she adorable?! She kept saying "My car is so decorated!" "It's beautiful!"

All of our hard work paid off because we won first place in the 7 & under category! Woohoo! Here's some pictures of her with her ribbons. The purple one is the participant ribbon that everyone got and the blue one is her first place ribbon! She was WAY too excited about winning!

After the parade Anna and I went to Sonic and got a Dr. Pepper and Cherry Limeade, then I dropped her off at her house. I was going to go see the fireworks with my friends from church that night but it ended up raining us out. :/

Oh well, Anna decided to spend the night with us on Sunday night and we thought they were going to try the fireworks that night. Anna got all ready for them (and insisted that we can only go see the fireworks if we stay in the car):

Only to find out that they were not doing fireworks on Sunday night. BOO. They are rescheduled for the 17th so I guess we will be going to see them then. We had fun hanging out in the car though!

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