Friday, August 7, 2009

.16. Pigtails and Polka Dots

Okay, so I finally had a talk with C and K about A and D. Let's just say that I think things are settled now and we can go on with life. Which is a great thing because I was really, really missing my girlie!

I got to go over and meet baby Deacon. Here's a little snap shot of him that I took.

He's so tiny and adorable and cuddly and sweet and smells just like a baby should smell!! Love him!

But now for my sweet pea! Anna got to spend the night Wednesday night with us and lemme tell ya, we had a girl's night! We did hair (pigtails!) and nails (purple with blue sparkles) and played Wii and ate popcorn. Stayed up really late and just had an awesome time! It was just what we both needed. We missed each other!

(I have no idea about why she is posing like that, I just told her to let me take a picture of her with her nails and that's the pose I got! She cracks me UP! hehe)

Here's a picture of me that Anna took and she is very proud of even though I have no make up on and a big ole zit by my nose. That's one thing that I just love about kids, how they're so honest and innocent. They honestly don't care if you're black, white, zebra-striped or polka-dotted. They love you pretty much no matter what!

That's all for now. We went to Castaway Cove down in Wichita Falls yesterday. I did get our pics developed, but have not had a chance to play around with them on the computer so I will have to make another post about our fun day! We had a BLAST!

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