Monday, August 3, 2009

.15. Blog Hop - Encouragement

So this week's blog hop is all about Encouragement. I thought and thought and thought and thought and thought some more for something that I consider encouraging. With all the drama that's been going on in my life, I just could not think of anything. Finally though it came to me while I was driving! This song just happened to come on the radio and I knew..

I absolutely LOVE this song and find it so, so true. I'm going to give my props to Miss Miley for singing such an awesome song and for giving me something to use for this week's blog hop. YOU ROCK MILEY!

Also while I was on YouTube finding that Miley video, it made me think of this one:

LOVE IT! I just find it so encouraging that this "father" is spending time with his "daughter". Nowadays there are so many children out there who do not have a father figure (or a mom/grandpa/grandma, etc) that I think every one should watch this little PSA and take a moment to spend some time with their child(ren).

MckLinky Blog Hop


  1. I really enjoyed your blog. great post. It's just a friendly reminder about tomorrow. It's another post on “What would your children say?” “Wednesday” It’s going to be fun sharing all those wonderful adventures our children do and say. If you don’t have a kid, feel free to post something about your furry four legged family member. I can’t wait.

  2. Great song!!!!

    Thanks for sharing!!!

    Happy Hopping
