Tuesday, September 1, 2009

.23. Someone's birthday..

is today! Happy 5th Birthday to my Anna BUG! I can't believe my sweetie is FIVE years old today. Wow, how time flies. Here are some pictures of her this morning C sent to me.

The last one is my fave! She took cupcakes to school in her snack bucket and we sent her some pretty balloons! Hopefully C will take a picture of her with them and send it to me soon. :)

We had Anna's "little party" (Dad, Mom, Me, Anna) at our house yesterday. It was a hoot!! She got a new Ugly Doll named Winkolina, this sphere thing she fell in love playing with at Quail Springs Mall toy store one day, and some new clothes from Gymboree! We'll also get her something from Dear Friends to take to her "big party" at the bowling alley. Now for pictures, and yes there is a ton!

Opening Presents

New clothes - alright!

2nd Present

It's Winkolina!

Now onto the 3rd present!

The Sphere

Did I hear someone say Chocolate Cake?!?!

That one is going in a frame for sure. LOVE it! Girlie kept sneaking bites of frosting. :D

She had a great day and told us she loved all of her presents!

Happy Birthday!!! I love you, my big 5 year old sweet as punch Annie Banannie! <3

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